Valuation Services

Why Ryan Wilson Group Valuation Group?

  • Examination of Growth Wealth & Value

    RWG has analyzed establishments ranging from start-up entities to established businesses in operation for more than nine decades.  While risks vary accordingly, several key aspects are uniform and consistent: acquisition of customers, building relationship with suppliers, penetration of new markets and geographical areas.  Depending on how successfully a company can attain these aspects, wealth and value is either created or destroyed.  RWG can identify these trends, drivers behind changes, and analyze by how much the company’s wealth and market size would increase or decrease if the actual pro forma operations would meet the business plan projections.

  • Independent Alternative Valuation

    RWG performs independent third party financial, industry and competitor analysis.  These analyses and valuations are performed in compliance with the Appraisal Foundation’s Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) and in conformity with the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) guidelines as well as all applicable U.S.  and international financial standards, laws and regulations.

  • Business Sale or Acquisition

    There are various reasons why a business entity is sold or acquired.  Shareholders may have an interest in pursuing other venues, expanding into other markets, relocating or increasing market power, customer accessibility or attaining other synergistic factors.  If a business entity utilizes a business broker or an investment bank, a success fee is charged when the business is sold or acquired.  RWG’s fees for advisory services are not based on the deal value and are not contingent on the success of the transaction.  RWG can provide comprehensive independent analyses, marketing materials and documents required to successfully enter the market.  RWG can analyze and provide a list of potential acquirers or investors that may be interested in your establishment.

  • Cash Flow Requirements

    Often times a business must borrow funds to acquire inventory, expand operations or increase marketing scope.  Arming yourself with a comprehensive analysis greatly increases your chances of getting a business loan amount, rates and terms desired.  In addition, the detailed analysis of cash flow and projected added value will demonstrate to shareholders and lending institutions how well your business can cope with the loan repayments, why the specific loan amount is required and the time period required for paying off the debt.

  • Marital Dissolutions

    A closely held business is usually a significant marital asset and either party could be entitled to a portion or all of the business entity.  Failure to value the business leaves parties wide open to fraud and substantial losses.  Independent valuation ensures impartiality to all parties involved.

  • Partnership Break Ups

    Contracts and agreements between partners or shareholders – often buy-sell agreements – should be based on a business valuation rather than a simple formula.  Comprehensive analysis and valuation should also be performed when a shareholder is buying into a business or professional practice, or when a shareholder wants to sell out and move on.

  • Attracting Partners or Investors

    To attract partners, private investors or private investor groups – the business value, a comprehensive analysis of revenue growth, profits, margins, products, assets, liabilities, cash flow and return on investment are of crucial importance.  Future investors or partners want to know – what they are getting into and what it is worth to them.  Is the company creating wealth or destroying it? Independent valuation ensures impartiality to all parties involved.

  • Estate Planning

    Interests in closely held businesses can be transferred during the lifetime of the owners to minimize the estate taxes that will be due upon death of the owners.  Comprehensive business valuations are typically required and must be filed with the Internal Revenue Service along with gift or estate tax returns.  The Internal Revenue Service closely scrutinizes these reports.  It is important that a credible and qualified third party prepares the valuation and comprehensive analysis.

  • Other Factors

    While RWG has described some of the crucial operating factors to consider, the following items can also significantly affect the profitable operation of the business if the company’s value is not known. Independent valuation ensures impartiality to all parties involved.

    • Avoid being over charged for insurance. 
    • Avoid being under-insured. 
    • Help when making a claim against losses. 
    • Liquidation or Reorganization of a Business
    • Insurance Claims
    • Corporation Conversion
    • Employee Benefits Plans
    • Litigation Issues involving Lost Profits or Economic Damages

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